Friday, March 20, 2020


Hi guys!

I thought I'd do a blogpost on the kinds of technology that we will use in order to complete our project.

First off, the basic sites we use are Canvas as it is where the rubric for the project is uploaded on, and the way that we communicate with our teacher. To communicate, my group and I always use Snapchat because we can both text and send pictures as well.
Image result for snapchat logoImage result for canvas logo

For our screenplay we used Celtx. This is a great resource as it is so convenient and user friendly.

Image result for celtx logo
We will be filming using an iPhone 11 Pro (Raisa's) and iPhone 11 (mine). We thought about using a real camera (a DSLR), but chose to use our phones as it is more convenient, especially to export the footage, and they have great cameras installed in them. Below are the stats for the iPhone 11 Pro:

To edit, we will be using our MacBooks (we each own one), and we will be using the iMovie editing software as it is the one that we are the most friendly with and is available for free on all Macs. 

Image result for imovie logo

Lastly, since we have now moved to online learning due to Covid-19, we will be using Canvas conferences as well as Zoom to communicate with our class.
Image result for zoom logo

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Finally... the CCR for my final project is finished! I will have it linked below, thank you so much for coming along with me on my film jour...