As you all know, we are currently in quarantine due to COVID-19. This has been a very hard process for everyone, and a lot of people are feeling a lot of different emotions right now. We are all trying our best to say positive and stay hopeful, but there is a lot of stress and everyone is very worried due to the increasing number of cases in the US. We surpassed China’s numbers, so this is really getting very serious.
Media has been really useful to us since it really does keep us updated on everything that’s going on. My parents turn on the news every morning and we listen to them for some time to stay up-to-date with the number of cases, the precautions being taken, and everything else. Not only this, but social media has been a very big factor during this whole pandemic. People are sharing their stories through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Doctors and nurses working really hard to fight this right now are sharing their stories in order to encourage people to stay home and social distance so this can all be over as soon as possible. Not only this, but hospitals are running out of medical masks and other supplies. The media has been a great way to collect funds and make people aware of this consumerism problem. Due to people freaking out over the virus, everyone has gone out and bought medical masks thinking they’re protecting themselves. Instead, they are taking the supply way from people who desperately needed such as doctors and nurses and hospitals. One of my friends, Raisa Ali, actually started her own project (The One World Project) in order to create masks and provide supplies for people in need of it at this time. She has created her project and spread her message solely by using her blog and social media.
Everyone is trying to deal with this transition and I really do feel like media is connecting the whole world as one with everything that’s going on. Famous music artists, for example, are going live on Instagram and doing mini-concerts for everyone stuck at home. For example, singers Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes did an Instagram live together for the Global Citizen and the World Health Organization. This is helping people deal with the stress they are going through and tried to make their lives a little more normal. Another example of this is that many athletes and fitness instructors are sharing home workouts for everyone to follow. For example, David Krichavsky has created an interactive series for kid athletes to stay fit at home.
For me, personally, media has been great to just entertain myself, I’ve been watching a lot of movies and TV shows, and I’ve also started reading a lot more again and this is all helping me stay sane through this whole situation. I have been really enjoying being creative, such as making crafts, making music, and other things like that. Some sites that have been useful to me are Pinterest and Instagram as many people are uploading ideas of what to do in order to make the best of one’s time during the quarantine. Some movies that I’ve watched our Lady Bird and the king and I enjoyed both of them. I am currently reading Call Me By Your Name as I watched the movie and fell in love with it. I have also watched some comedy specials on Netflix by John Mulaney which I really enjoyed.
In order to stay connected to my friends and my family, I have been on a lot of FaceTime calls, text messaging, snap chatting and even direct messaging on Instagram. I have contacted my teachers through zoom, Microsoft teams, and our primary platform, Canvas. These all have been useful in order to continue school even with this whole situation going on.

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